

Experts for Measurement Systems

for Industry and Energy


It is our mission to bring transparency to the world of automation with our measurement system solutions.

By means of an iba system, the user can understand and master the growing technological
complexity of automated processes and mechatronic systems.As with a flight recorder, all essential system and process data from various signal sources, field buses and automation systems are recorded continuously and synchronously.For analyzing these data, we have developed powerful analyzing tools which comfortably support interactive work as well as automatic information generation.


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Offline analysis: Read data from SQL databases (HarmonizedCode:85235190, ECCN:N, LKZ:DE, AG:N)

SSD 1600GB to 3200GB Upgrade SAS SSD

SAS SSD Drives (HarmonizedCode:84717050, ECCN:N, LKZ:MY, AG:N)


Data Visualization and Information Service (HarmonizedCode:85235190, ECCN:N, LKZ:DE, AG:N)

Analog-to-IP-Converter 16 Channel

Video-Encoder: AXIS P7216 (HarmonizedCode:85311030, ECCN:N, LKZ:SE, AG:N)

Starter Kit - Troubleshooting with camera

Need an easy way to troubleshoot with camera on your machine?

Easy to install, easy to configure, easy to analyze.
Connect several common PLC-systems to your PC via ethernet.

Need more in the future? Don't worry, you can upgrade to a full-feature ibaPDA or add on more camera-licenses whenever you like!