First Begner Academy ibaTraining of 2020

den 5 februari 2020

We have finished the first Begner Academy iba training course of 2020.

The training course lasted for two days with the first day focusing on the data acquisition system ibaPDA and the second day on data analysis and ibaAnalyzer.

Lars Olsson discusses ibaAnalyzer and ibaHD-server


The participants knowledge in signal management, data recording, data visualization, creating and using analyzes as well as manual and automated report generation etc. 

During the two days there were also a lot of interesting and fruitful discussions about the many opportunities and various adaptations of the iba products!

Are you interested in our courses or have questions about upcoming courses?
Don't hesitate to contact us!
+46 23 160 20

The first training group of 2020

Begner Academy trainer Anders Källin