iba Product news

den 1 mars 2019

For our product ibaPDA we have released the new version v6.39.15.

What’s new in this version?

New features

  • The S7 address book generator used in the S7-Xplorer interface and the Request-S7 option now supports the latest TIA Portal version V15.1 as well as Siemens Software Controllers S7-1505S and S7-1507S.
  • Siemens SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced simulated controllers now can also be accessed using our S7-Xplorer interface.

Important bugfixes

  • A missing inverse reference in the OPC UA server was added causing problems with some ABB OPC UA clients.
  • Accessing consecutive PI operands via Request-S7 didn’t work when the total size was more than 4 bytes.
  • The addressbook generation for S7-1200 CPUs with a firmware version equal or higher 4 didn’t work anymore (introduced in v6.39.14).
  • An ibaPDA client connected to an ibaHD server containing vectors in a timebased store could sporadically crash or disconnect.

For full reference on other included new features, improvements and bugfixes please download this new version and check the included version history document.


  • New Manuals
    ibaPDA-Request-HiPAC (v1.0, English, German)
  • Updated Manuals
    ibaPDA-Interface-Ethernet/IP (v2.2, English, German)
    ibaPDA-Interface-Logix-Xplorer (v2.1, English, German)

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