ibaPDA Request for Data: HiPAC system Danieli (HarmonizedCode:85234910, ECCN:N, LKZ:DE, AG:N)
Symbolic request channel for Danieli HiPAC PLC - Connector Request Package. Access to variables for PDA online within a running HiPAC application without reprogramming the plc.
The Danieli HiPAC system is a PLC based on a quad core Intel Core i7 CPU running VxWorks with the Codesys V2.3 runtime. Iba has developed a request system for this PLC. A request system consists of an agent running on the PLC that communicates with ibaPDA via a control path. TCP/IP is used as the control path. The user of ibaPDA uses a browser of all the available symbols in the PLC to select a list of symbols that he wants to measure. IbaPDA then sends this list of selected symbols to the agent. The agent validates this list and then cyclically copies the values of the signals on to the data path. The data path can be a reflective memory board or a generic UDP connection.
Key Features:
Request functionalityFastest acquisition cycle 1msLogfile for crash analysisInterfaces:
- Reflective Memory Card or
- ibaPDA-Interface-generic-UDPIn ibaPDA there are 2 module types for HiPAC request:
HiPAC request on the Generic UDP interface corresponding with IBA_DATA_UDP on the IBA_REQ_B blockHiPAC request on the Reflective Memory interface corresponding with IBA_DATA_RM on the IBA_REQ_B blockSpecial Remarks:
An ibaPDA-V6 basic licence is required!Status:available